
There is no denying to the significance of natural resources in the growth of the economy. There is not much that can be done in the economic sphere without sufficient raw materials. This is the rationale behind prioritising the extraction of natural resources from conveniently accessible places over those that require more effort. China follows the same model and has high-speed expansion in coastal regions, leaving inland regions in the dust. Rich in energy resources Xinjiang is ready for the booming development like the other regions of China. However, the major challenge in this development is “Sea port”. Abundant in energy sources, Xinjiang, like the other areas of China, is prepared for rapid development. However, "Sea port" is the main obstacle to its development. Xinjiang is one of China's most ecologically sensitive regions since it is one of the driest locations and is the furthest away from any ocean or sea. China aims to connect Xinjiang to global markets through Pakistan's Gwadar port in order to promote rapid economic development. In actuality, China is interested in expanding Gwadar port for economic reasons. The growing importance of Central Asia's oil resources, China's rising energy needs from the Persian Gulf, and China's "go west" programme for its western area are among the reasons for China to assist Pakistan in the development of Gwadar port. The paper argues that China will choose Gwadar port as a gate way for import and export of Xinjiang’s products instead of its own faraway eastern ports.

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