
The purpose of this study was to look at a development of the SpSG Work-Based Learning (WBL) model that can activate students. The model designed can be applied by lecturers and according to industry needs. Reveal the impact of the development of a model designed to increase student competence in the Open Mining Operations (OTT) course in Mining Engineering. The chosen industrial location is the Limestone Mine. PT. Semen Padang and Coal Mine PT. AICJ Sawahlunto. The development of the model designed is WBL SpSG (Shift per Shift Group). This is done by considering the time of activities and procedures that apply in the location of the mining industry. Besides integrating all existing competencies in the workplace as a whole by first being given the subject matter of the operational theory of open mining on campus with a program of practical experience directly at the mine site which is guided by qualified industrial teaching staff. The model designed can be applied by lecturers and according to industry needs and to improve student learning outcomes in the Mining Engineering Study Program.

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