
<p>This study aims to design and produce a stop motion graphic animation video oriented to STEAM global warming material that is used as a learning medium and to determine the response of students at MTs Manbaul Huda Ngaluran Karanganyar Demak to stop motion graphic animation video oriented STEAM global warming material. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) which refers to the Borg and Gall development procedure. This research includes 7 stages. The trial was carried out after going through a validity test by media experts and material experts. The trial was carried out at MTs Manbaul Huda Ngaluran Karanganyar Demak involving 28 students of class VII. meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses qualitative data from quantitative data for the development of STEAM-oriented video stop motion graphic animation products for global warming material in order to determine the feasibility of the developed media. The results showed that the media was feasible to use based on the percentage of media experts of 92% and material experts of 84.8%, the response of students to stop motion videos was very satisfied based on the results of small-scale trials getting an average score percentage of 96.95% and the test Field trials get an average score percentage of 85.7% which means that the stop motion graphic animation video media oriented to STEAM global warming material can be accepted by students.</p>

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