
Finger millet stands unique among the minor cereals because of its superior nutritional contents. The millet is a richest source of calcium among the cereals and also contains good amount of iron and zinc. Malting of finger millet improves its digestibility, sensory and nutritional quality as well as pronounced effect in the lowering the antinutrients. A study was undertaken to develop value added products by utilizing finger millet malt. In first phase of study finger millet malt was prepared and three products viz., Dhapata, Shira, Instant dhokla were selected for value addition. Finger millet malt was incorporated in Dhapata, shira at the levels of 0,10,20,30,40 and in the Instant dhokla 0, 10, 15, 20, 25 per cent. Five variations of each product were prepared. Variation I was basic prepared without finger millet malt served as control sample and remaining four variations were experimental samples. In second phase of study all the products were organoleptically evaluated by panel members for their acceptability. The most accepted variation was selected for nutrient analysis. The proximate composition, fibre, Ca and iron were estimated in the laboratory. The results revealed that malted finger millet incorporation up to 30 and 20 per cent in Dhapata, Shira and Instant Dhokla, respectively was accepted by panel members. Significant increase in values of nutrient i.e protein, fibre, total mineral, carbohydrate and calcium was noticed in experimental variations of Shira. Incorporation of finger millet malt in Dhapata and Instant Dhokla could help to increase fiber and calcium significantly. It can be concluded from the findings of the study that finger millet malt can be utilized successfully for value addition.

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