
Along the North Almora Thrust (NAT) in the Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, a zone of mylonitic rocks has developed due to strain localization during the tectonic emplacement of the Almora Nappe over the Lesser Himalayan Sequence. This zone is referred here as the NAT zone (NATZ) that is dissected by faults, which are transverse to the Himalayan orographic trend and are known as seismically active structures. Trending NNW-SSE these are the Chaukhutiya and Raintoli faults. Two E-W oriented subsidiary brittle faults across the Chaukhutiya Fault are also recognized. Based on the field study and magnetic fabric analysis an attempt has been made to evaluate the deformation and kinematic history of northeastern margin of the Almora Nappe superposed by the Chaukhutiya faulting that coincides with northeastern margin of the NAT. Field study reveals brittle-ductile and brittle regimes of deformation along the Chaukhutiya Fault. Away from the NAT variable attitudes (E-W or ENE-WSW with gentle dip) of field foliation and axial planes of folds are observed, whereas at and near the NAT the attitudes of beds, including curved lithounits, are steeply dipping and are oriented parallel with the NNW-SSE trending NAT. Curvature in fold hinge line and discontinuous occurrence of lithounits are observed along the fault.

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