
A method was developed for the qualitative analysis of active ingredients in different formulations of fipronil (Regent 0.3 G and Jump 80 WG). Known concentrations of the reference grade standards and the formulations of fipronil dissolved in acetone were applied on silica gel 60 F254 thin layer chromatography (TLC) plates using a Camag–Hamilton Linomat Syringe (100 μL). These plates were developed in horizontal chambers with acetone as mobile phase. The amount of active ingredient present in formulations of fipronil was estimated by densitometry in a single beam, single wavelength reflectance mode at 220 nm. Calibration curve of the insecticide was linear in the range of 10–200 ng and the correlation coefficient for the calibration equation was 0.9983 for fipronil. The method was validated by further analysis using gas liquid chromatography with electron capture detector, and results were comparable. The method was found to be reproducible and convenient for quantitative analysis of these compounds. The proposed TLC method has its application for quality control and determination of the shelf life of commercial formulations of pesticides.

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