
This study aims to determine the values of children's independence and strategies for developing independence values that have been successfully developed in Liang Anggang Sub-District Guidance State Kindergarten and Baitul Ma'mur Kindergarten in Banjarbaru City along with determining the supporting and inhibiting factors in the development of early childhood independence values in Liang Anggang Sub-District Guidance State Kindergarten and Baitul Ma'mur Kindergarten in Banjarbaru city. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive by conducting interviews and observations of resource persons. Based on the results obtained (1). The values of independence that have been successfully developed in Liang Anggang Sub-District Pembina State Kindergarten and Baitul Ma'mur Kindergarten in Banjarbaru city are that no children waiting for their parents at school, children take their food, wash their hands before and after eating, sweep leftovers on the floor, and wash their dishes accompanied by teachers, help clean up toys after use and brush their teeth, complete the activity to completion. (2). The strategy to develop the values of children's independence in Liang Anggang Sub-District Guidance State Kindergarten and Baitul Ma'mur Kindergarten is by telling stories and giving examples first through daily habituation, so that children more easily know and follow from the simplest aspect first, from the habits, (3). The inhibiting factor is the condition of the child if he is sick so that it is usually more difficult to be told to do independent activities, or the child's feeling is not good at home so that at school he likes to seek attention from teachers, excessive parenting by parents and grandparents which causes children to be more spoiled because at home they are always helped, At school, children refuse if asked for something related to an attitude of responsibility such as cleaning up toys after using them. Meanwhile, the supporting factor for developing the value of independence of children in Liang Anggang Sub-District Guidance State Kindergarten and Baitul Ma'mur Kindergarten is their parents who can be invited to cooperate in implementing programs that have been made by the school. In addition, Liang Anggang Sub-District Pembina State Kindergarten and Baitul Ma'mur Kindergarten have adequate facilities and infrastructure in developing children's independence so that they can support the implementation of children's independence at school.

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