
The growth of investments in tourism and increase in production due to increased tourist demand has a positive synergistic effect on all sectors of the country's economy. That encourages investment activity, the creation of new jobs, the expansion of trade, and an increase in wages. A part of the income comes through taxes to the state budget. A synergistic effect occurs consequently. This research showed that the system of organization and development of the tourist services market represents a combination of financial and economic structures, models, and management methods. With the help of it, social, group coordination, and private interest arising from the growth of the tourist product market are achieved. The paper presents the methods and tools that enable the assessment of the region's competitiveness in the tourist and recreational services provisions and an overview of the main factors that influence the demand for these services. The consistency and objectivity of the considered problems in their mutual connection and interdependence are ensured by considering general economic principles and methods of analyzing the legality of economic development, logical analysis, decision theory methods, set theory, historical method, abstract-logical method, statistical methods (consideration of indicators in dynamics, grouping, method of detailing), methods of comparison, comparison, etc. The study is based on economic literature, works of contemporary scientists, the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, materials of state statistical authorities, materials of scientific conferences, and the information potential of the Internet.

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