
A morphological and morphometric study of the skin development in the eastern quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus) was conducted to follow the transition from cutaneous to pulmonary gas exchange in this extremely immature marsupial species. Additionally, the development of the cardiac and respiratory system was followed, to evaluate the systemic prerequisites allowing for cutaneous respiration. The skin in the newborn D. viverrinus was very thin (36 ± 3 µm) and undifferentiated (no hair follicles, no sebaceous and perspiratory glands). Numerous superficial cutaneous capillaries were encountered, closely associated with the epidermis, allowing for gaseous exchange. The capillary volume density was highest in the neonate (0.33 ± 0.04) and decreased markedly during the first 4 days (0.06 ± 0.01). In the same time period, the skin diffusion barrier increased from 9 ± 1 µm to 44 ± 6 µm. From this age on the skin development was characterized by thickening of the different cutaneous layers, formation of hair follicles (day 55) and the occurrence of subcutaneous fat (day 19). The heart of the neonate D. viverrinus had incomplete interatrial, inter‐ventricular, and aortico‐pulmonary septa, allowing for the possibility that oxygenated blood from the skin mixes with that of the systemic circulation. The fast‐structural changes in the systemic circulations (closing all shunts) in the early postnatal period (3 days) necessitate the transition from cutaneous to pulmonary respiration despite the immaturity of the lungs. At this time, the lung was still at the canalicular stage of lung development, but had to be mature enough to meet the respiratory needs of the growing organism. The morphometric results for the skin development of D. viverrinus suggest that cutaneous respiration is most pronounced in neonates and decreases rapidly during the first 3 days of postnatal life. After this time a functional transition of the skin from cutaneous respiration to insulation and protection of the body takes place.

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