
One of the main factors of territorial attractiveness of modern settlement systems is the environmental aspect, which, analyzing the trends and tendencies of society, will become increasingly important. The aim of the study is to analyze the issues of environmental development and their impact on settlement systems. The article notes the high impact of environmental processes on the formation of the attractiveness of areas. Pollution of air and water, increase in the amount of non-recyclable and non-recyclable waste, climate change, deforestation - these factors have a direct impact on the development of ecosystems. In an urban environment, their impact on human life and health is growing. Among the main elements of the ecological block of the attractiveness of the territory were identified the presence of environmentally hazardous facilities, emissions of harmful substances, air pollution, indicators of access to clean water. The problem of water availability is relevant, because today the world can not fully meet all the household needs of the population. Rationalization of water use is an important requirement. The analysis of air pollution showed that the biggest polluters are industrial enterprises in the districts, but they are economically attractive due to the activities of these enterprises. The density of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources of pollution per square meter. meter of area indicates unstable dynamics. Analysis of the generation of household and industrial waste showed that in most areas of Ukraine there has been a reduction in their volume since 2019. Hypotheses to reduce the attractiveness of agricultural areas due to ill-considered use of pesticides. There are low costs for environmental protection, which causes a number of problems with overcoming air pollution, waste disposal, providing the population with clean water and rational agriculture.

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