
A dedicated network-based trauma system ensures optimal care to injured patients. Considering the significant burden of trauma, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is striving to develop a nationwide trauma system. This article describes the recent design, development, and implementation of the Saudi Arabian trauma system in line with Vision 2030. The basis of our strategy was the find, organize, clarify, understand, select-plan, do, check, and act (FOCUS-PDCA) model, developed by engaging key stakeholders, including patients. More than 300 healthcare professionals and patients from around the Riyadh region assessed the current system with three solutions and roadmap workshops. Subsequently, the national clinical advisory group (CAG) for trauma was formed to develop the Saudi Arabian trauma system, and CAG members analyzed and collated internationally recognized trauma systems and guidelines. The guidelines’ applicability in the kingdom was discussed and reviewed, and an interactive document was developed to support socialization and implementation. The CAG team members agreed on the guiding principles for the trauma pathway, identified the challenges, and finalized the new system design. They also developed a trauma care standard document to support and guide the rollout of new trauma networks across the kingdom. The CAG members and other stakeholders are at the forefront of implementing the trauma system across the Riyadh region. Recent trauma system development in Saudi Arabia is the first step in improving national trauma care and may guide development in other locations, regionally and internationally, to improve outcomes.

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