
Methods. The following methods of scientific knowledge were applied during the study of the problems of the development of the system of personnel potential of machine-building enterprises: analysis and synthesis – when identifying modern trends in the development of machine-building and the dynamics of the final results of the economic activity of enterprises belonging to this industry; structuring – when characterizing the machine-building products market; grouping – when classifying enterprises according to the «9 Box Talent Matrix»; comparison – when comparing personnel potential systems existing at metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine; index method – when creating an integral indicator of the company's personnel development. Results. The current state of mechanical engineering development in Ukraine and the world is analyzed and its main trends are highlighted. The structure of the modern world machine-building market is characterized, and Ukraine's place in it is shown. A comparison of the specifics of the conditions under which foreign and domestic companies representing the industry carry out their activities is carried out. The problems of the functioning of domestic machine-building enterprises are identified, attention is focused on the inefficiency of their personnel potential systems. On a sample of ten Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises, the financial and economic indicators of their activity were analyzed, in particular: general profitability, movement and use of labor force, the share of personnel costs in the total structure of costs, and the level of remuneration. With the help of the «9 Box Talent Matrix» the personnel potential of the investigated enterprises was assessed. Novelty. Based on the study of the activities of ten enterprises of the machine-building industry of Ukraine, an idea was formed about the existing state of personnel resources and factors that shape the personnel potential of the enterprise and influence its development. The method of calculating the personnel potential of the enterprise has been improved, which, unlike the existing ones, is based on the calculation of the integral indicator of the development of the personnel of the enterprise proposed by the author, as well as the indicators of the level of profitability of the personnel potential and potential income from the use of the personnel potential at the enterprise. Practical value. The improved methodology for calculating personnel potential proposed by the author can be implemented at any Ukrainian enterprise and serve as a tool for assessing the level of personnel development and the amount of personnel potential, timely identification of problems and the development of effective solutions for their resolution.

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