
In this article the chronology of the development of the system of pedagogical education is considered. By analyzing the traditions of Russian education, two institutional models of higher pedagogical education – "university" and "specialized" - were identified almost always coexisting peacefully, as well as eight stages in the history of pedagogical education in Russia. Some systems of continuous pedagogical education abroad are analyzed. Despite the specific differences in the systems of education in Russia, France, Germany, England and the United States, career guidance, focusing on the choice of teaching professions, is based on similar principles and requirements for applicants and students. The system of education in the conditions of modern society is considered. The development of the system of pedagogical education in Russia continues through research and practical implementation of modern principles of professional pedagogy, one of which is the principle of advanced training of future teachers; a comparative analysis of the trends of modern training of teachers in Russia and abroad shows the commonality and difference of some approaches to this problem. The article defines that the main characteristic of a pedagogical university should be a scientifically understood professional orientation of the educational process, successfully solving the problem of training for direct professional activity and the formation of the competitiveness of the teacher.The authors present some conditions for the successful development of pedagogical education in Russia.

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