
The adult visual system of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, contains seven eyes-two compound eyes, a pair of Hofbauer-Buchner eyelets, and three ocelli. Each of these eye types has a specialized and essential role to play in visual and/or circadian behavior. As such, understanding how each is specified, patterned, and wired is of primary importance to vision biologists. Since the fruit fly is amenable to manipulation by an enormous array of genetic and molecular tools, its development is one of the best and most studied model systems. After more than a century of experimental investigations, our understanding of how each eye type is specified and patterned is grossly uneven. The compound eye has been the subject of several thousand studies; thus, our knowledge of its development is the deepest. By comparison, very little is known about the specification and patterning of the other two visual systems. In this Viewpoint article, we will describe what is known about the function and development of the Drosophila ocelli.

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