
Expressed emotion of family members is a key target for intervention for bettering psychosocial outcomes for transitional-age youth experiencing mental health crises. Motivational Interviewing for Loved Ones (MILO) seeks to reduce expressed emotion by teaching parents motivational interviewing skills such as taking a non-judgmental stance, exploring their loved one's thoughts and feelings, expressing optimism and confidence, and avoiding taking an expert role. This report details the creation of the Motivational Interviewing for Loved Ones- Skills Assessment (MILO-SA), its psychometric properties, and convergent validity with other measures of motivational interviewing adeptness. Our sample (n=54) consisted of baseline assessments from parents participating in a pilot study of MILO. Parents were assessed for baseline knowledge of motivational interviewing as well as MILO skills with the MILO-SA and a traditional assessment clinician application of motivational interviewing skills. We found that the MILO-SA displayed high interrater reliability (k=0.81), and convergent validity with motivational interviewing knowledge (r=0.32) as well as traditional assessments of clinician adeptness applying motivational interviewing skills (r=0.67). Our findings suggest that the MILO-SA has strong psychometric properties and is a useful tool for assessing parent acquisition of motivational interviewing skills. Specifically, the MILO-SA can be used in future studies focused on teaching non-clinicians motivational interviewing skills.

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