
Summary Monitoring usually means observing the environment, which is a dynamic system that is constantly changing for the purpose of its control, study and forecast. This dynamic system changes due to natural influences (movements of lithospheric plates, changes in weather, etc.) and man-made (movement of large masses of soil, change of river channels). Scientists are trying to predict such changes, they are developing a priori models. In this way, you can calculate the permissible deformations in advance and prevent disasters and destruction. In order to test a priori models, it is necessary to perform measurements. In science, many methods are distinguished: geophysical, ground-penetrating radar, electromagnetic. In this article, geodetic methods of operational monitoring will be considered. The difference between operational monitoring is that it is possible to establish data on movement, its speed and direction in a short time. In 2017, we carried out operational monitoring using the geodesic method using an electronic tacheometer at the Lviv landfill. Perhaps such an approach saved the lives of rescuers, because according to our measurements, search operations for missing people were stopped several times. In general, geodetic methods of monitoring are divided into three groups: axial (one-dimensional), when the points are determined relative to a given line or axis in the horizon or vertical; plan (two-dimensional), when the points are observed along two coordinates in the horizontal plane; spatial (three-dimensional), when they find the complete shift of points in space along three coordinates. In this article, we offer a method of operational geodynamic monitoring using geodetic devices of the receiver of satellite signals, GNSS technology, and electronic total station -TPS technology.

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