
We present a fragment-based many-body Green's function method suitable for treating large molecular systems in heterogeneous polarizable environments. The Green's function for a total system is approximated from fragment Green's functions and is expanded up to two-body terms. The screened Coulomb potential is approximated from the sum of intrafragment density-response functions, with interfragment polarization terms being neglected. The approximations for the Green's function and screened Coulomb potential lead to a many-body expansion of the self-energy. This expansion is essentially equivalent to the many-body expansion of the Fock matrix in the fragment molecular orbital method. To handle large molecular systems, the present implementation relies on the Coulomb hole plus screened exchange (COHSEX) approximation for the $GW$ self-energy. The accuracy of the FMO-COHSEX method was demonstrated in comparison to conventional COHSEX results for organic molecular aggregates. We confirmed that the present fragmentation approximation can provide reasonably accurate results, and mean absolute errors for quasiparticle energies of less than 0.1 eV have been achieved for valence orbitals. We also assessed the accuracy of the COHSEX approximation to describe the effects of molecular aggregation of electronic states, by comparing them with the $GW$ method. The COHSEX approximation has been shown to successfully describe the induced polarization and dispersion effects. As an illustrative application of the present method, we considered the electronic states of the pentacene thin film, which contains 1476 atoms. We investigated the impact of the induced polarization effect in the heterogeneous environment, highlighting the gap renormalization and the polarization-induced localization. This application shows that the present fragment-based method is useful for studying electronic structures of molecular aggregates in complex environments.

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