
The historical way of development of the corporate way of social activity as a practical need of socialization of human work and voluntary association of people for realization of joint economic affairs is considered. It is emphasized that theoretical research and well-founded legislative support for the development of corporate governance appeared later, although their directions continue to deepen. It is noted that corporatism has been actively used in foreign countries in recent years. It is noted that in modern Ukraine the corporatization of activity is concentrated in the public sector of the economy, mainly in public joint stock companies, although the efficiency of their activities does not meet expectations. It is emphasized that there is a need to strengthen state control over the development of the corporate sector of the state, increase accountability for compliance with legislation and find further ways to develop the corporate sector, which has proven its effectiveness in foreign countries. The research is aimed at finding new opportunities for the application of this method of management in the municipal sector of the economy - local communities. It is noted that the corporate organization of economic activity at the present stage is under the influence of transformational changes in society, when there is an integration of different forms of ownership. The characteristics of municipalities as natural corporations are given. The directions of legislative and normative support of formation and use of corporate way of management in the organizational and legal form - municipal corporations taking into account the form and components of communal property, and also features of corporate rights of inhabitants of territorial communities are substantiated. The tendencies and directions of development of the corporate way of managing in territorial communities are considered, the factors are defined and the measures which will promote development of the corporate sector of municipal economy and institutionalization of corporate management at this level are offered.


  • It is emphasized that theoretical research and well-founded legislative support for the development of corporate governance appeared later, their directions continue to deepen

  • It is noted that corporatism has been actively used in foreign countries in recent years

  • It is noted that in modern Ukraine the corporatization of activity is concentrated in the public sector of the economy, mainly in public joint stock companies, the efficiency of their activities does not meet expectations

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(Закон «Про акціонерні товариства» No 514-VІ, 2008; Конституція України, 1996; Закон «Про місцеве самоврядування в Україні» No 280/97-ВР, 1997; Закон «Про засади державної регуляторної політики у сфері господарської діяльності» No 1160/ІVб 2003; Господарський кодекс України No 436/ІVб 2003) закріплені умови формування і функціонування акціонерних товариств та унітарних комунальних підприємств, створених на комунальній формі власності і їх правові, господарсько-виробничі, внутрішньогосподарські, організаційні основи та особливості управління господарською діяльністю в комунальному секторі економіки.

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