
The article deals with the problems of developing Basic Professional Educational Programs of Higher Education on Information Systems and Technologies in accordance with the Federal State Higher Education Standard (3++) and the requirements of occupational standards and employers’ needs. The article presents the stages of developing Basic Professional Educational Programs taking into account these requirements. The federal regulatory acts governing the application of occupational standards in the development of Basic Professional Educational Programs, as well as official data on the required number of IT specialists in the context of digitalization of the country’s economy, are analyzed. On the basis of the correspondence between the hierarchical levels of the requirements of the educational standard and the occupational standard in web technologies, the article demonstrates an approach to determining the list and designing the content of professional competencies, based on the formation of competency passports and ensuring the integrity of the main professional educational program of university. The article studies one of the professional competencies of the Information Systems and Technologies educational program to show its structure and content development and suggests possible wording of competency indicators and descriptors used to assess the competency formed.

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