
One of the areas of rational use of raw materials, increasing the efficiency of medicinal plant raw materials and reducing the cost of medicines is the technology of its complex processing, which allows to obtain several pharmacologically active substances from one plant, also through the use of plant waste.
 Information about the potent biological activity of Sedum maximum and its insufficient study prompted us to conduct experimental studies to obtain substances based on it.
 The aim of the work is to study the production of an extract from marc of Sedum maximum grass on the basis of its complex processing and to study its quality indicators.
 Materials and methods of the research – biblio semantic, pharmacotherapeutic, physicochemical and statistical research methods were used during the research.
 Taking into account a number of technological factors, the parameters of obtaining extract from marc of Sedum maximum grass were determined, the quality of juice and Sedum maximum grass extract was studied: description, pH, dry residue, identification, quantitative content of tannins in terms of pyrogalol. Taking into acount the physicochemical and pharmacotechnological properties of the ingredients, technological schemes for obtaining fresh juice from Sedum maximum grass and extract from its marc have been developed and control parameters of the process of their production have been established.
 Taking into account a number of technological factors, the parameters of obtaining the extract from marc of Sedum maximum grass were determined: raw material:extractant ratio – 1:2, extraction temperature – 96–98 °С, extraction duration – 15 min. As a stabilizer used sodium chloride in the amount of 0.7%. The study of the following quality indicators of juice and extract of Sedum maximum grass were done and following results obtained: description, pH – 5.72 ± 0.08 and 4.87 ± 0.04, respectively, dry residue – 2.73 ± 0.07 and 2.54 ± 0,10%, respectively, identification, quantification of the amount of tannins in terms of pyrogalol – 0.094 ± 0.002 and 0.095 ± 0.002%, respectively. The technology was developed and technological schemes of complex processing of Sedum maximum grass were drawn up, according to which juice and aqueous extract from marc were obtained after squeezing the juice.

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