
In the process of changing the priorities of the educational paradigm, many tasks arise, one of which is the formation of information technology competence at all levels of education. The current Federal State Educational Standards are based on a competency-based approach. In this regard, it becomes necessary to develop students’ competencies in the field of information technology, which graduates of the Faculty of History should have.The article actualizes the need to develop adapted tasks in the discipline “Informatics and Computer Engineering” for the specialties of the training areas 46.03.01 “History” and 46.03.02 “Documentation Science and Archival Science”.The objectives of the article are to develop tasks that cover the competencies that a graduate should have as a result of mastering a bachelor’s program, to conduct a comparative analysis of informatics textbooks used in the Russian Federation, to identify sections of the course that should be improved based on the results obtained during the experiment and the interests of students, as well as analysis of the level of formation of information technology competence in first-year students of training areas 46.03.01 “History” and 46.03.02 “Document science and archive science” using testing.The purpose of the article is to develop tasks that cover the competencies that a graduate should have as a result of mastering the bachelor’s program, as well as an analysis of the level of formation of information technology competence among students of the first course of training areas 46.03.01 “History” and 46.03.02 “Documentation Science and Archival Science” using testing.As a result of the study, it turned out that the majority of students have an average level of knowledge of the school curriculum in the subject “Informatics”. It is concluded that the study of informatics at school does not have a significant impact on the general level of knowledge of students in the field of information and communication technologies.

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