
This study aims to: 1) Produce swimming learning aids, 2) Swimming aids that are easy to use and practical. The population of the small class trial was 20 students who could not swim, while the main field test was conducted on 40 students of SMA Negeri 5 Ambon. The research method used is the development research method (R&D) and the development model follows the ten stages of product design, namely; 1) potential and problems; 2) Data collection; 3) product design; 4) design validation; 5) trial use; 6) product revision; 7) product trial; 8) design revision; 9) product revision and; 10) mass production. The data collection technique was carried out based on needs analysis, especially on the basic aspects of development, namely: 1) the vest/float used greatly interfered with movement, especially movement efficiency; 2) float tires are not practical to use to learn basic swimming techniques; 3) the float board cannot help learn to swim if there is an accident in the water and the student cannot float. The use of these three tools does not immediately help speed up learning basic swimming techniques. This study concludes that the development of the design of swimming learning aids to accelerate learning of basic swimming techniques has been designed in the form of a waist buoy/save belt, has been validated by expert judgment and tested for use in small classes and is suitable for use in large class studies. . The results of the product design development of this tool are suitable for use in the form of "Save Belt".

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