
Super-resolution ultrasound mostly uses image-based methods for the localization of single scatterers. These methods are largely based on the center of mass (COM) calculation. Sharpness-based localization is an alternative to COM for scatterer localization in the axial direction. Simulated ultrasound point scatterer data (center frequency $f_{0} = 7$ MHz and wavelength $\lambda = 220\,\,\mu \text{m}$ ) showed that the normalized sharpness method can provide scatterer axial localization with an accuracy down to $2~\mu \text{m}$ ( $ ), which is a two-order of magnitude improvement compared to that achievable by the conventional imaging ( $\approx \lambda $ ), and a five-fold improvement compared to the COM estimate ( $\approx 10~\mu \text{m}$ or $0.05\lambda $ ). Similar results were obtained experimentally using wire-target data acquired by the Synthetic Aperture Real-time Ultrasound System. The performance of the proposed method was also found to be consistent across different types of ultrasound transmission. The localization precision deteriorates in the presence of noise, but even in very low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR = 0 dB), the uncertainty was not higher than $6~\mu \text{m}$ , which outperforms the COM estimate. The method can be implemented in image data as well as by using the raw signals. It is proposed that the signal-derived localization should replace the image-based equivalent, as it provides at least 10 times improved accuracy.

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