
Abstract This study examined the formation of successive rings of cambia in Rivea hypocriteriformis Choisy (Convolvulaceae). The mature stem is composed of four to five rings of xylem alternating with phloem. Successive cambia originate as smaller and larger segments; union and anastomosing of small cambial segments often leads to the formation of discontinuous rings. In the initial stage of growth, several vascular bundles interconnect to form the first ring of vascular cambium. The cambium remains functional for one complete season and becomes dormant during summer; a new ring of cambium is completed prior to the subsequent monsoon season and sprouting of new leaves. Successive cambia are initiated from the pericyclic parenchyma situated three to four cell layers outside of the protophloem. Functionally, all the successive cambia are bidirectional and produce secondary xylem centripetally and phloem centrifugally. The secondary xylem is diffuse-porous, with indistinct growth rings and consisting of wide fibriform vessels, fibre tracheids, and axial and ray parenchyma cells. The xylem rays are uni- to multiseriate and heterocellular. The multiseriate rays contain lignified marginal ray cells and thin-walled, unlignified central cells. The central ray cells also show accumulations of starch and druses. Discrete strands of intraxylary phloem occur at the periphery of the pith, and additional intraxylary phloem develops from adjacent cells as secondary growth progresses. Earlier-formed phloem shows heavy accumulation of callose, followed by its compaction. The development of successive cambia is correlated with extension growth and with the phenology of the plant.

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