
Relevance. In order to strengthen the economy and reduce dependence on imports under sanctions, the state is taking measures to support domestic producers whose activities are related to import substitution. In this regard, the creation, development and provision of state support measures to special economic zones will lead to the development of domestic production, which will contribute to the growth of the regional economy, create jobs, improve living standards and transition to advanced development.The purpose of the study is to assess the measures of state support for SEZ residents, to study the stages of their development, to develop recommendations for improving regulatory policy in this area. Substantiation of promising areas of SEZ operation based on the assessment of existing ones.Objectives: identify and characterize the types of SEZs in the Russian Federation; to identify the criteria for the creation of SEZs; to conduct an economic and statistical assessment of the results of their functioning; to substantiate recommendations for improving the state regulatory policy in this area.Methodology. In order to achieve the set research goals, the author used general scientific methods, generalization of scientific practice, economic and statistical analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction.Results. In the course of the study, the author reviewed the main state support measures provided by the state to SEZ residents, assessed tax benefits, analyzed the regulatory framework and criteria for the creation of SEZ in Russia.Conclusions. The main instrument of SEZ support is the provision of benefits to their residents. This advantage makes SEZs attractive platforms for entrepreneurs, which allows them to increase competitiveness, increase profits, create jobs and increase production volumes. The regulatory and legal framework of the SEZ continues to be improved and supplemented, including due to the growing practice of SEZ functioning in Russia. Statistics show that SEZs are developing and becoming effective levers for the development of the regional economy to ensure the transition to advanced development.

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