
<p><strong>Aim</strong>: In recent years, the relationship between social capital (SC) and issues that concern people and society, especially health, has been a matter of curiosity. Most of the studies on social capital in the literature are for adults, and there is no wide-scale for adolescents. This study aimed to develop the Social Capital Scale for Adolescent. The child and adolescents’ ecological environment and its interaction, structure, and social networks are important factors that affect the child and adolescents’ biopsychosocial well-being. SC gives ecological environments level. The concept of SC is handled in different ways in terms of its plane (micro, mezzo, and macro), form (horizontal and vertical), intensity (strong and weak), and quality (binding, unifying, and bridging). <strong>Methods</strong>: This study is a methodological type of research. Participants were adolescents aged 13-19 who could be reached online, volunteered to participate in the study. A non-probability sampling method was used. <strong>Results</strong>: A total of 5946 adolescents participated in the study. Explanatory factor analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were applied to the dataset. As a result of EFA, the Social Capital Scale for Adolescents (SCS-A), consisting of 75 items and 17 factors, was obtained. The Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of the scale was 0.936, and the variance explained by the ranking was 66,3%. CFA satisfactory fit results were obtained in all fit indices. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: The SCS-A is valid, reliable, and sufficient for the Turkish population. This scale, which was created by considering all the elements of the concept of social capital, is thought that can be used in studies in the fields of social and health sciences.</p><p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/soc/0053/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

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