
Time-temperature control is a critical issue in cold supply chain, so it is very important to be tracked. Time-temperature indicator (TTI) label is devices that visually show the cold-chain accumulated history, from both time and temperature fluctuation effects. Diffusion model of TTI’s indicator based on vegetable oils blend (VOB) has been investigated. The VOB indicators were made from canola oil (CA), soybean oil (SB), and olive oil (OV) that have blended with palm oil (PO). Nine formulas of indicator were designed in combination with the oils blendings i.e (A) PO:CA:SB, (B) PO:SB:OV, (C) PO:CA:OV and the combination of various ratio were (1) 50:40:10 %v/v, (2) 50:25:25 %v/v, and (3) 50:10:40 %v/v, then the blendings were added 0.25 %m/v red lake (C.I. 16255). The diffusion kinetics of this TTI indicators have tested on a waterproof photopaper material and storaged at 4, 18, 29, 37, and 40°C. The result present that the activation energy (Ea) values of indicators were about 28.925 – 40.646 kJmol−1. The B3 and C indicators have an Ea value which have matched with Ea value of a commercial diffusion-based TTI. Based on Arrhenius equation, the diffusion model (x, m) for B3, C1, C2, and C3, respectively were xB30.5=2t.e−4017(1/T)-4.4053, xC10.5=2t.e−4124.3(1/T)-4.0196, xC20.5=2t.e−4245.1(1/T)-3.7130, and xC30.5 = 2t.e−4888.9(1/T)-1.6641. Overall, the diffusion length of the indicators have significantly correlation with time-temperature changing and this diffusion model established can represented the diffusion behaviour of TTI’s indicators.

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