
The development of animal husbandry can not be separated from the support of various resources. The research objective was to assess the development process of smallholder beef cattle farming. The research was conducted in Grujugan Kidul Village, Grujugan SubDistrict, Bondowoso District. Grujugan Kidul Village is one of the villages fostered by the Universitas Jember in the Community Assistance Village Service Program (PPDB) following the Decree of the Chancellor of the Universitas Jember Number 12716 / UN25 / KL / 2018 concerning Universitas Jember Assisted Villages. Research variables include human resources (X), financial resources (Z1), technological resources (Z2), physical resources (Z3), and livestock farming business development (Y). Respondents of this study were independent farmers, non-partnership system, beef cattle farmers, 174 people. Data was collected using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method and survey with a Likert scale. Data were analyzed by the Partial Least Square (PLS) method with SmartPLS 2.0. The results showed that the farmers' human resources had a positive and significant effect on access to financial, technological, and physical resources, each of which was .383; .474; and .324. It is concluded that farmers' resources influence 64.2% of the development of smallholder beef cattle farming. The findings of this study are that human resources do not directly affect the development of smallholder beef cattle farming but through various aspects of resources that support these development efforts.

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