
Development of seismic protection system for design extension conditions (SPSDEC) is suggested for enhancing safety of operation of NPP located on the territories with unfavorable seismic conditions. The idea of the system consists of the creation of a network of seismic stations arranged at a certain distance from the NPP and equipped with data transmission system. In case of detection by seismic sensors of movements of the ground with magnitude of vibrations exceeding a certain preset value, seismic stations transmit over radio-channel a signal indicating exceedance of the setting before the seismic wave reaches the NPP. This allows initiating transition of the reactor to subcritical operation mode prior to the beginning of destruction of equipment and reactor building. Ensuring reliable protected communication is achieved by simultaneous use of three radio-channels arranged in accordance with TETRA, WiMAx and LTE standards, as well as by the application of appropriate cryptography, authentication and data protection methods for preventing data corruption. Analysis was performed for determining optimal distance between seismic stations and the NPP and optimal number of these stations was determined for the following two options of arrangement of seismic stations: radial arrangement surrounding the NPP and arrangement along the direction towards the place with the highest probability of earthquake incipience. Layout was suggested of multilevel majoritarian data processing for excluding false triggering of the system. Conclusions were formulated on the enhancement of safety of NPP operation and significant reduction of probability of emergency situations due to the generation of anticipatory signals to reactor shutdown systems in case of earthquakes with intensity exceeding maximum design earthquake.


  • Accident on the Fukushima-1 NPP in Japan and its consequences demonstrated the necessity of revision of classic methods for ensuring safety of nuclear power plants and their protection from destructive effects of seismic activity (Novikova 2013, Hano 2011)

  • Seismic sensors installed on the basement plate of the reactor facility (RF) intended for continuous control of seismic impact on the NPP reactor facility and shaping discrete signal indicating the exceedance of the preset threshold of ground vibrations are included in the composition of seismic protection system (SPS) on the operated or constructed NPPs equipped with VVER reactor facilities

  • In other words, following the currently accepted paradigm of SPS implementation the possibility is examined of incipience of design earthquake (DE) and maximum design earthquake (MDE) referred to the events of the Design Basic Conditions (DBC) level, while the probability of initiation of beyond-design basis accident in case of more massive earthquakes is disregarded

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Development of seismic protection system for design extension conditions*

Academic editor: Yuri Korovin ♦ Received September 2018 ♦ Accepted September 2018 ♦ Published 17 Ocotober 2018.

Prerequisites for the system development
Composition of the system
Communication issues between NPP and seismic stations
Topology of arrangement of seismic stations
Discussion and conclusions
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