
This season's technological advancements have led to the automation of the scholarship application procedure and the development of the qualification assessment program. To create a system that is both efficient and easy to use in order to assist the automation system of any scholarship program. The main analytical tool in this study that illustrates the creation and assessment of a Development of Scholarship Automation System for Student Qualification Program Applied to College Universities using Regression Analysis. It is hoped that the system's goal will benefit the scholarship selection committee as well as the candidates. The committee's administrative burden will be reduced by the technology, freeing them up to focus on assessing the most eligible applicants. In general, colleges and other organizations will find the Scholarship System to be a helpful tool in managing the increasing volume of scholarship applications and guaranteeing that the most deserving individuals receive scholarships. A few of the ISO25010 sub-characteristics that are suitable for assessing the scholarship system are used by the researchers. The researchers used the confusion matrix with the aid of the Weka Software tool, using the scheme of Weka. classifiers. bayes. Naïve Bayes Updateable. The evaluation on the training set has a summary of Correctly Classified Instances of 93% and Incorrectly Classified Instances of 7%, indicating that the application has an accurate algorithm. After evaluating the Scholarship system, the sub-characteristics of Functional Suitability received an overall weighted mean of 4.55. Performance efficiency had a score of 4.72, Usability had a score of 4.68, Security had a score of 4.55, and Portability 4.58.

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