
Korean Abstract: 푸틴 3기 이후 러시아의 대외정책은 유라시아권 전체의 정치·경제 통합에 전략적 가치를 부여하고, 러시아를 유럽과 아태지역 간의 거대 전략벨트의 중심축으로 자리매김하겠다는 구상을 갖고 있다. 더불어 러시아는 과거 그 어느 때보다도 적극적으로 동아시아 및 아태지역으로의 통합을 가속화하는 ‘신동방정책’을 추진하고 있다.English Abstract: Since the beginning of the third term of the Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian foreign policy has given strategic priority to the economic and political integration of the entire Eurasian continent. In addition, Russia is unfolding plans to make Russia the central axis of a vast strategic belt between the EU and the Asia-Pacific region. Now Russia is carrying out its ‘New Eastern Policy’ in order to more actively expedite Russia’s integration into East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region.Currently the Korean government and companies are trying to find appropriate investment methods under the banner of the so-called ‘New Northern Policy’, paying attention to a series of changes in the conditions regarding the development of the Russian Far East. However, it is not clear which are the actual components of ‘New Northern Policy’ and the what the policy has in common with Russia’s New Eastern Policy; and lastly, the role it can serve in strengthening the strategic partnership between Korea and Russia.

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