
A logical approach based on graph theory and matrix method (GTMM) is developed for assessment of reliability index for a co-generation cycle power plant (CGCPP). For a humongous and multipart system such as CGCPP, reliability of its components or subsystems is closely intertwined and insuperable without taking the effect of others. For the ease of analysis CGCPP system is divided into four sub-systems. Reliability of CGCPP is modeled in terms of a reliability attributes digraph which is developed from system reliability digraph. Nodes in the digraph represent sub-system reliability and reliability of interrelations is represented by the directed edges. The digraph is represented by one-to-one matrix called as variable system reliability permanent matrix (VSRPM). A step by step procedure is developed for calculating variable permanent function for reliability (VPF-r) from VSRPM. A higher value of index implies that the plant is available with better reliability. The developed methodology is illustrated step-by-step with the help of an example.

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