
Introduction. In ensuring the food security of the Russian Federation, an increase in the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex, which is largely dependent on the quality of information and consulting services, is of great importance. Purpose setting. In the formation and development of the system of information and consultation support of the agro-industrial complex and competence services in the regions of Russia, the processes of accounting, planning, control and management at all levels (enterprises, district, regional and federal) have great influence. Methodology and methods of the study. During the research, information materials of the websites of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Russian educational organizations, which presented information about the practical implementation of scientific and technological achievements, were used. Studies were carried out using analytical, comparative and logical information methods for analyzing the initial information. Results. The methods of formation and prospects for the development of information and consultation support in the regions of Russia are considered. The possibilities of evaluating the innovative potential of the region based on the introduction of modern information technologies are described. Conclusion. The role and forms of activity of information and consulting services and regional centers of competencies are shown, the main tasks are determined. The analysis (based on the generalization and systematization) of information on the best practices of competencies and the prospects for the development of information and consultation support in the regions of Russia, the examples of organizations such as the Center for competencies in the field of agricultural cooperation and the support of farmers of the autonomous non-profit organization «Regional Agricultural Fund», scientific and educational cluster of the agro-industrial complex of the Ulyanovsk region, the budgetary institution of the Republic of Kalmykia «Information and Consultation Service of the AIC», state official institution «Stavropol Agricultural Information and Consultation Center», competence center for digitalization of agriculture at the Altai State Agricultural University.

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