
Aim: To develop red rice-based pasta and to assess their physico-chemical, sensory and cooking properties.
 Study Design: Completely randomized design.
 Place and Duration of Study: Department of Processing and Food Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru, between 2021 to 2022 (2 years).
 Methodology: Cold extruded pastas were developed by incorporation of red rice flour and wheat flour at varying levels and physical parameters and proximate were analysed according to Deshpande and Poshadri [1], Launay and Lisch [2], Anderson [3], AOAC [4] respectively and 9-point hedonic scale was used to adjudge the sensory characteristics and also studied cooking characteristics according to standard methodologies for optimized pasta.
 Results: Pasta incorporated with 60 percent of red rice flour with 40% percent of wheat flour had optimum cooking characteristics and adjudged as best compared to other levels of incorporation. The cooking studies of optimized product showed that cooking time varied from 3.20-6.15 min, swelling power varied from 1.00-1.46 g g-1 and solid loss was found to be 15.02-9.94%. The optimized product found to has 79.43% of available carbohydrate, 10.15% of crude protein, 7.21% of moisture, 1.52% of crude fat, 1.93% of crude fibre and 1.69% ash content.
 Conclusion: The developed red rice pasta underwent a comprehensive analysis encompassing physicochemical, cooking and textural evaluations. The study revealed key insights into the unique characteristics of the pasta, highlighting its nutritional attributes and cooking performance. The observed textural properties contribute to its overall appeal, making it a promising and health-conscious alternative in the realm of pasta products.

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