
Learning using Realistic Mathematics Education is a breakthrough in mathematics learning. A difficulty in implementation of PMRI on learning is there are no adequate learning resources or learning media which facilitate PMRI Implementation on learning. This research is aim to develop a PMRI learning pack on ratio topic which consist of Model Book, Teacher’s Book, Student’s Book, Lesson Plan, Worksheets and Evaluation sheets. The product was developed using Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) problems to support students ability to solve problems and develop student’s thinking abillity. Development model used was Plomp Model. From research results we find that the product was valid, practice, and effective. Validation results show that the validation score was 4,19. The practically was obtained by the consistency of practically evaluation scores from expert and learning observation results. The effectiveness was obtained by four indicators, namely: 1) 80% of 35 students gain high or very high score, 2) percentage average of students and teachers activities gain ideal tolerance time, 3) 92,5 % of students give a positive response on learning, and 4) Teacher’s capability to manage to learn good category.
 Keywords: development, Realistic mathematics education, ratio


  • How to Cite: Rahmawati & Ranti, M

  • From research results we find that the product was valid, practice, and effective

  • Pengembangan Soal Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) pada Materi Aljabar di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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Sangat Kurang

Keterangan: Xi = Rerata skor ideal = 1⁄2 (skor maksimal ideal + skor minimal ideal). SBi = Simpangan baku Ideal = 1/6 (skor maksimal ideal – skor minimum Ideal) X = Skor Aktual. Untuk kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran dilihat dari hasil penilaian para ahli atau validator. Tabel 2 menunjukkan kriteria kualifikasi kevalidan perangkat yang dihasilkan berdarakan penilaian para ahli. Tingkat Kevalidan Model dan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik

Sangat Tinggi
Fase Perancangan
Ilustrasi Tata Letak
Rata Keterlaksanaan
THB Gambar di soal perlu diperbaiki
Esai Berbasis HOTS Untuk
Did the Students Make Mistakes in Solving Direct and Inverse
Pemahaman Konsep Matematis
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