
Currently, N2 subtype avian influenza (AI) virus actively circulates in domestic and wild bird populations and is regularly detected in China, other Asian countries and Russia, particularly in combination with H9 hemagglutinin. Therefore, a method for rapid detection of the said infectious agent is urgently required. Data on oligonucleotide primer selection and reverse transcription real-time polymerase chain reaction condition optimization for N2 AI virus detection are presented in the paper. Modified primers and probe proposed by B. Hoffmann in 2006 as well as original primers and probes with the viruses available in the Laboratory working collection and selected during testing were assessed for N2 neuraminidase gene fragment amplification. Optimal concentrations of real-time RT-PCR master mix components and temperature-time mode were determined. Various combinations of primers were tested against ten N2 avian influenza virus isolates that genetically differed from each other in N gene. Nine viruses were isolated from birds in the Russian Federation regions and classified to different genetic groups. The real-time RT-PCR assay was tested for its specificity using AI virus isolates of different neuraminidase subtypes (H5N8, H3N6, H4N6, H5N1, H10N7) as well as samples containing other RNA-viruses: Newcastle disease virus, infectious bronchitis virus and infectious bursal disease virus. As a result of the testing, real-time RT-PCR conditions providing high sensitivity and specificity of the assay were selected and optimized.


  • Data on oligonucleotide primer selection and reverse transcription real-time polymerase chain reaction condition optimization for N2 avian influenza (AI) virus detection are presented in the paper

  • Hoffmann in 2006 as well as original primers and probes with the viruses available in the Laboratory wor­ king collection and selected during testing were assessed for N2 neuraminidase gene fragment amplification

  • Various combinations of primers were tested against ten N2 avian influenza virus isolates that genetically differed from each other in N gene

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Количество оснований

Множественное выравнивание нуклеотидных последовательностей с использованием алгоритма Clustal W и поиск наиболее консервативных участков проводили с помощью программы BioEdit 7.0. Специфичность праймеров и зондов была оценена с помощью online-ресурса Blast (NCBI) (http:// blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov), с использованием изолятов ВГП других подтипов NA (A/w_duck/Altai/1732/2013 H3N6, A/shoveler/Krasnoyarsk/1586/08 H4N6, A/chicken/ Adygea/203/06 H5N1, A/mallard/Khabarovsk/12/2014 H10N7), а также штаммов «Winterfield 2512» вируса инфекционной бурсальной болезни, «Н120» вируса инфекционного бронхита кур и APMV/wild duck/Rus/ Vladimir/44/15 вируса ньюкаслской болезни. Выбранные праймеры и зонды синтезированы фирмой «Синтол» (Россия) Hoffmann et al Зонд и праймеры с No 10–12 также рекомендованы B. Выделение РНК из аллантоисной жидкости развивающихся СПФ-эмбрионов кур, зараженных изолятами ВГП подтипа N2, проводили с использованием набора «АмплиПрайм РИБО-сорб» в соответствии с инструкцией по его применению. ОТ-ПЦР в режиме реального времени проводили с использованием дезокси­нуклеозидтрифосфатов (дНТФ)

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