
Introduction. One of the anti-crisis tools that allow the economy to resist the negative trends that have developed, as well as to ensure and strengthen its sovereignty, is the public-private partnership (PPP) The purpose of the paper consists in the study of foreign experience of the functioning of public-private partnership, the study of its features and the implementation of positive developments of foreign countries in domestic practice. Results. The experience of partnership relations between government and business in economically developed countries is actively focused on new, traditionally state-owned industries, which in turn confirms the fallacy of artificially restricting business areas prioritized for PPPs. In each state, PPP is at a different stage of development, has its own distinctive features: the most acceptable forms, industry specifics, legal and institutional environment. A more detailed study of foreign experience showed that each of the countries has its own most priority sector of PPP use. In foreign practice, there is no single organizational and legal mechanism for PPP implementation. However, to ensure effective management of PPPs, as practice shows, the functioning of a single management body with a highly qualified staff of employees who have experience in the field of management and skills in promoting projects of various levels of complexity is necessary in each country. The creation of these bodies, as a rule, is initiated by the state executive power with full management control, or they are formed with the support of business, but with a majority stake in the charter of these joint ventures. This allows these bodies to perform functions related to PPP support at all levels of the organization, implementing a strategy in the field of PPP institute development at all levels of government, preparing and equipping all PPP project participants in various areas with project documentation and methodical recommendations, choosing a method of support through the distribution of state PPP funding, and others. Conclusion. The judicious use of foreign experience for the development of PPPs in our country will help increase the effectiveness of this model of interaction between the state and the private sector. This form of cooperation will allow Ukraine to reach a new level of competitiveness and significantly increase its level of development in the world community.

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