
Protein is a macronutrient that is essential for building muscle mass. Prawn and shrimp is a good source of nutrients. Instant soup is a type of soup designed for fast and simple Preparation. Some are home made, and some are mass produced on an industrial scale and treated in various ways to preserve them. A wide variety of types, styles and flavors of instant Soups exist. Commercial instant soups are usually dried or dehydrated, canned, or treated by freezing. Dried prawn and shrimp is extremely high in protein, up to 93% of calories. Seafood is an excellent Source of protein because it’s usually low in fat. Prawn and shrimp are good sources of dietary protein while also supplying essential minerals and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Protein enriched instant soup is done by prawn and shrimp and dehydrated vegetables. Prawn and Shrimp were subjected to tray drying and grinding. The observed high protein content in product will find promising application in food products. Powder from both Prawn and shrimp varieties were analyzed for proximate Analysis, powder properties and nutritional content. The protein content is observed to be high in the prawn and shrimp powder compared to raw prawn and shrimp. Nutritional parameters analyzed were Protein, Total fat, Carbohydrates, Minerals and Heavy metals. Prawn and shrimp powder had significantly higher protein content apart from other parameters. This finds scope in designing high.Soup mix was Formulated and optimized by RSM software. Analyses were done to the soup mix.

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