
Relevance. The relevance of the study lies in presenting the problems faced by participants of the educational process during distance learning, and proposing possible mechanisms for their solution based on global experience. Here, it is necessary to develop a new way of professional implementation of remote technologies, considering modern achievements in science and technology. In addition, it is necessary to ensure the availability of material and technical equipment and the training of qualified specialists.Purpose. The purpose of the study is to develop a full list of recommendations for the qualitative comprehension of educational material through using distance learning technologies in educational institutions of different levels.Methodology. The methodology of distance learning is based on conventional approaches to the organisation of the educational process. Theoretical, empirical, statistical and other methods were used to achieve this purpose. In this study, the problem of assessing the quality of distance education in an educational institution was theoretically analysed.Results. Considering the experience of developed countries, distance learning is applied with some restrictions. These restrictions are related to the level of the educational institution, the educational programme, and other important circumstances. In terms of the academic hours distance learning can be compared with low-residency programme. At the same time, it is possible to study at a convenient time, combining classes with work or homework. Access to quality education, considering its definition within the framework of long-term socio-economic development, is the most important value to citizens.Conclusions. Distance learning was presented as a conscious, organised, and systematic process of independent control of knowledge, skills, and abilities under the guidance of remote teachers.

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