
Practicum Manual for Business Course as the output in Phase 1 in which its effectivity was assessed with the parameters (1) Guidelines and Procedures, (2) Duties and Responsibilities, (3) Assessment Scheme, and (4) Assessment and Reporting. The Phase 3 of the study aimed at knowing the Manual?s effectivity as it was being used by the Students of the Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOA) Program enrolled in On-the-Job Training in the 2nd semester of the Academic Year 2021-2022 and to make room for improvement of the developed manual for its favorable outcome when continuedly used as Instructional Material at the Laguna State Polytechnic University System. A descriptive, quota sampling method was used in order to collect data with reliable resources for an accurate interpretation of findings. The research instrument was formulated and distributed online to one hundred (100) students from LSPU-SCC of the College of Business Administration and Accountancy (CBAA). With the data gathered, the following results were drawn; the developed Practicum Manual for Business course has been assessed through its utilization by the concerned respondents and was rated ?very satisfactory? on the given four (4) measures by the respondents. This could be inferred that the Practicum Manual for Business Course is an effective instructional material that can address the struggles of OJT and Interns in the New Normal Era, thus can be of great help when utilized as Instructional Material in Business Courses being offered at the CBAA.

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