
Indonesia has a high risk of earthquake and tsunami disasters, especially in areas around the long and relatively sloping coastline. Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam as an area that has been hit by an earthquake and tsunami, in its development of settlements it is more directed to disaster-prone areas in coastal areas. This study aims to identify the development of housing after rehabilitation and reconstruction due to the earthquake and tsunami in the Gampong Pande area, in the context of mitigating earthquake and tsunami disasters in the future. This research is related to ethnographic research that uses an emic approach in field surveys, emphasizes the natural setting context, focuses on interpretation and meaning, involves the community deeply, and focuses on contemporary phenomena as a whole. Post-disaster mitigation actions carried out in residential development are structural modifications referring to and in line with the Building Code. Post-disaster mitigation actions carried out in the development of residential areas are land grants for road widening as an evacuation route during disasters and the construction of sea dikes to reduce tidal waves of sea water entering settlements and planting mangroves along the sea wall as a green belt that doubles as a green belt and source of fishermen’s economy.

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