
The oil and gas industry is currentlyexperiencing difficulties in completely separating the mixtureof oil and water. This is due to the inability of the control system to continuously adapt to internal changes such as pressure increases, temperature increases, and changes in the internal level of the vessel, as well as the failure to overcome internal dynamics in the system, such as dead time. The limitations contained in conventional PID open up opportunities for development so that a control algorithm is obtained that can adapt to changes in the internal state that occur during the separation process. Genetic Algorithm PID has a suitable adaptability mechanism to overcome problems related to changes in the internal state during the process. Therefore, in this study, the PID Genetic Algorithm was used as an optimization controller parameter for the level control system in a three-phase separator mini plant. After The level control system based on PID parameter optimization usingPID Genetic Algorithm on a three-phase separator mini plant produces a better dynamic response than conventional PID. This is indicated by a decrease in maximum overshoot of 1%, then a decrease in settling time for 97,747 s, and then a decrease in the rise time of 17,427 s compared to conventional PID. At the same time, the PID genetic algorithm oil can show better results than conventional PID. This is indicated by a decrease in maximum overshoot of 1%, then a decrease insettling time for 21,402 s, and then a decrease in the rise time of 11.19 s comnared to conventional PID.

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