
The purpose of the article is to study the development of the performance culture of orchestra conductors in the process of master's training in order to ensure the further successful employment of future specialists. Research methodology. The research used general scientific (generalisation, comparison, induction, and deduction) and empirical-theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis) to understand the literature on the article issue. System-structural analysis using a whole range of methods (semiotic, cultural, theoretical generalisation) enabled comprehensive understanding the stated issue. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the results obtained in the article is determined by the solution of an important scientific task, which consists in developing theoretical provisions and practical recommendations regarding the development of the performing culture of orchestra conductors in the process of master's training. The article further developed the study of the performance culture of orchestral conductors. Conclusions. It has been established that conducting is defined as one of the varieties of musical performance art, which expresses the art of managing a musical team. It has been found that orchestral conducting is based on a system of hand movements, which requires an orchestral conductor to have comprehensive education, musical and theoretical training, active will, good memory, fine hearing, synthesis of psychological and informational principles. It has been determined that the manual technique in the system of expressiveness of the orchestra conductor serves as a subtle and perfect channel for transmitting the dynamics of artistic feelings, the inner feeling of the artistic image, which is manifested in the gesture, look, and facial expressions of the orchestra conductor. It has been found that the performing culture of an orchestra conductor carries not only the worldview of the author, but also the style of an orchestra conductor, which is distinguished by perfect aesthetic views, interests, and tastes. It has been determined that the performance culture of an orchestra conductor at its highest level acts as the ability of an orchestra conductor to consciously assimilate, form, actualise, multiply, preserve, and transfer professional value to increase the effectiveness of conducting activity.
 Key words: performance culture, orchestra conductor, orchestra conducting.

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