
The existing performance evaluation methods in robot-assisted surgery (RAS) are mainly subjective, costly, and affected by shortcomings such as the inconsistency of results and dependency on the raters’ opinions. The aim of this study was to develop models for an objective evaluation of performance and rate of learning RAS skills while practicing surgical simulator tasks. The electroencephalogram (EEG) and eye-tracking data were recorded from 26 subjects while performing Tubes, Suture Sponge, and Dots and Needles tasks. Performance scores were generated by the simulator program. The functional brain networks were extracted using EEG data and coherence analysis. Then these networks, along with community detection analysis, facilitated the extraction of average search information and average temporal flexibility features at 21 Brodmann areas (BA) and four band frequencies. Twelve eye-tracking features were extracted and used to develop linear random intercept models for performance evaluation and multivariate linear regression models for the evaluation of the learning rate. Results showed that subject-wise standardization of features improved the R2 of the models. Average pupil diameter and rate of saccade were associated with performance in the Tubes task (multivariate analysis; p-value = 0.01 and p-value = 0.04, respectively). Entropy of pupil diameter was associated with performance in Dots and Needles task (multivariate analysis; p-value = 0.01). Average temporal flexibility and search information in several BAs and band frequencies were associated with performance and rate of learning. The models may be used to objectify performance and learning rate evaluation in RAS once validated with a broader sample size and tasks.

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