
This study aims to develop a form of training model for passing accuracy in soccer. The population in this study were all soccer athletes from Postab, PTPN II and Sinar Pagi. The form that has been made in advance is validated by 3 experts, 1 soccer ball coach, 1 expert in sports and 1 expert in the field of language, where the percentage of validity is 86% which is taken from the smallest to the largest percentage value of the overall results. The method used is the research and development method (Research and Development / R&D). The results of the small group test involving 3 experts consisting of 1 expert trainer, 1 linguist and 1 sports academic showed that the 20 variations of the exercise had met the proper criteria. The percentage of validity of the questionnaire that has been distributed to the sample shows that 88% is taken from the smallest to the largest percentage value of the overall results. The results of a large group test of 6 experts consisting of 2 expert trainers, 2 linguists and 2 sports academics showed that the 20 variations of the exercise had met the criteria worthy of use. The percentage of validity of the questionnaire that has been distributed to the sample shows that 90% is taken from the smallest to the largest percentage value of the overall results. It can be concluded that the 20 training variation models are good for increasing the ability of passing accuracy in soccer and training to be more interesting, because this is very important in training so that the exercise is not boring and becomes input for coaches in football clubs throughout Indonesia.


  • This study aims to develop a form of training model for passing accuracy in soccer

  • The results of the small group test involving 3 experts consisting of 1 expert trainer, 1 linguist and 1 sports academic showed that the 20 variations of the exercise had met the proper criteria

  • The results of a large group test of 6 experts consisting of 2 expert trainers, 2 linguists and 2 sports academics showed that the 20 variations of the exercise had met the criteria worthy of use

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Penelitian ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bentuk model latihan akurasi passing pada olahraga sepakbola. Bentuk yang telah dibuat terlebih dahulu divalidasi oleh 3 ahli, 1 pelatih bola sepakbola, 1 ahli dibidang olahraga dan 1 ahli dibidang bahasa, dimana persentase validitasnya adalah 86% yang diambil dari nilai persentase terkecil hingga terbesar dari hasil keseluruhan. Hasil uji kelompok kecil melibatkan 3 orang ahli yang terdiri dari 1 ahli pelatih, 1 ahli bahasa dan 1 ahli akademisi olahraga menunjukkan bahwa 20 bentuk variasi latihan tersebut sudah memenuhi kriteria layak. Hasil uji kelompok besar terhadap 6 orang ahli yang terdiri dari 2 ahli pelatih, 2 ahli bahasa dan 2 ahli akademisi olahraga menunjukkan bahwa 20 bentuk variasi latihan tersebut sudah memenuhi kriteria layak digunakan. Dapat disimpulkan 20 model variasi latihan tersebut baik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan akurasi passing pada olahraga sepakbola serta latihan menjadi lebih menarik, karena hal tersebut sangat penting dalam latihan agar latihan tersebut tidak membosankan serta jadi bahan masukan buat para pelatih di klub sepakbola di seluruh Indonesia

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