
This study aims to determine the validity, effectiveness and practicality of teaching materials on Pancasila Education and Citizenship on the subject of Archipelagic Insight based on wetlands. The research was conducted at Sungai Tabuk 1 Public High School, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan for the 2021/2022 academic year. This research is a development research using the Tessmer model. Data collection was carried out by means of questionnaires, interviews and observations. Data analysis was carried out in a quantitative descriptive manner. The results of this study indicate that the teaching materials for Pancasila Education and Archipelagic Citizenship Based on Wetland Environment are declared valid. This is based on the results of expert reviews on the suitability of the material, the composition of the material, the consistency of writing, the display of photos/images, the display of tables, the shape and size of letters, conformity with the writing of Indonesian language rules, and suitability of the images with the material. Teaching materials are also stated to be practical to use. This is known from the results of individual trials and small group trials. Some of the things asked for by students' opinions were about the ease of understanding the content of the material, clarity in understanding instructions in doing group assignments, and clarity in understanding individual assignments. In addition, teaching materials are also declared effective. This is known from field or large-scale trials conducted on intact classes. From the results of the effectiveness test of teaching materials, it is known that they are in the good and very good categories.

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