
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) is a new strategic framework for evaluating system maintenance requirements in its operating conditions. Some industries employ predictive maintenance strategies in addition to preventive maintenance (PM) strategies, which increase production costs. As the breakdown maintenance (BDM) technique is used, the maintenance cost increases. The RCM approach is a mixture of these maintenance strategies that can be used to optimize the maintenance costs and to ensure the availability of the system. The RCM method was applied to the steam boiler system used in the textile industries for the research work reported in this paper. The RCM methodology stated in the literature cannot be implemented, as it is in Indian textile industries due to the lack of knowledge of RCM principles, a labor-oriented nature, the use of partially computerized information systems, an inadequate maintenance database, and information about maintenance costs and production loss. To resolve these issues, a modified RCM approach involving a large number of experts is developed. To apply this RCM methodology, critical components are identified through reliability and failure mode effect and criticality analysis (FMECA). Finally, scheduled maintenance strategies and their intervals are recommended to ensure that the system continues to operate properly. According to this study, implementing the RCM technique effectively will increase boiler system reliability and availability by 28.15 percent and 0.16 percent, respectively. Additionally, up to 20.32 percent of the maintenance cost can be saved annually by applying these scheduled maintenance programs.

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