
Research objective. Statistical data concerning patients with opportunistic infections depending on parameters of immunity and the description of a number of clinical cases of development of opportunistic lesions in patients with HIV infection in the absence of the expressed immunodeficiency. Materials and methods. Medical records of the patients with HIV infection hospitalized in 2012-2015 in the Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital No. 2 of Moscow, and the clinical cases of patients with development of opportunistic lesions with satisfactory indicators of the immune status. Results. The distribution of patients with HIV infection who had opportunistic infections, depending on the number of CD4+ lymphocytes at the time of development of the disease revealed a significant group of patients with a sufficiently large number of CD4+ cells. Statistical data on the development of various opportunistic lesions with different parameters of the immune status are presented. The authors describe a number of relevant clinical cases. Discussion. The possible causes of the development of opportunistic diseases and their recurrence in patients with HIV infection with a satisfactory amount of CD4+ lymphocytes are discussed. In the pathogenesis of this phenomenon are important not only quantitative but also qualitative parameters of immunity, as well as the characteristics of the causative agents of opportunistic lesions.


  • Statistical data concerning patients with opportunistic infections depending on parameters of immunity and the description of a number of clinical cases of development of opportunistic lesions in patients with HIV infection in the absence of the expressed immunodeficiency

  • The distribution of patients with HIV infection who had opportunistic infections, depending on the number of CD4+ lymphocytes at the time of development of the disease revealed a significant group of patients with a sufficiently large number of CD4+ cells

  • The authors describe a number of relevant clinical cases

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