
After the collapse of the USSR, the West received favorable conditions for promoting its geopolitical interests. Accordingly, the European Union began to establish relations with the countries of Central Asia. The EU policy in Central Asia in the early 90s of the twentieth century is characterized by the fact that Brussels concentrated its efforts on the allocation of economic assistance, the promotion of democracy and market relations. The EU policy in the Central Asian republics was based on cooperation and partnership Agreements signed with the leadership of the countries of the region. These agreements were intended to formalize the political and economic relations of the countries of the region with the EU. The role of the Central Asian countries in EU foreign policy was more clearly defined after the adoption of the European Union Strategy for Central Asia in 2007. The European Union has taken a number of steps to strengthen its position in the region. Several formats of bilateral and regional cooperation have been created, and EU representative offices have been opened in the countries of the region.Over the past decade, the European Union has significantly intensified its foreign policy in Central Asia. It expanded diplomatic ties and successfully implemented mechanisms for developing cooperation with Central Asia. In particular, it has expanded its presence in the region, successfully launching several of its strategic programs in various areas of cooperation.In 2019, the European Union adopted a new Strategy for Central Asia. This is the first radical revision of the document adopted in 2007. This indicates a desire to update the base of interac tion and to build relations with the countries of the region in a new way. The European Union pays special attention to such areas of cooperation as energy issues, global security problems and joint struggle against the threats of terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism and radical extremism, transport and infrastructure. Particular attention is paid to the prospects and problems of the EU’s interaction with the Kyrgyz Republic, which cover various aspects: political, economic, social, trade, cultural. On 19 November 2017, the European Union and the Kyrgyz Republic began negotiations to update the existing bilateral agreement, which is intended to replace the partnership and cooperation Agreement. After the completion of the negotiations, a new agreement on expanded partnership and cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and the European Union was initialed on July 6, 2019. It includes new areas of cooperation and significantly improves the regulatory framework for trade and economic relations in accordance with WTO rules and regional economic agreements. The new agreement provides for cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and the EU in areas such as: policy and reform, enhanced cooperation in foreign policy and security issues, in the areas of justice, security and freedoms, as well as in trade.


  • После распада СССР, Кыргызстан стал активно развивать дипломатические отношения со многими государствами мира

  • Также ЕС намерен и дальше инвестировать в региональное сотрудничество в Центральной Азии, содействуя странам региона развивать диалог и взаимодействие друг с другом

  • Кыргызстан и Евросоюз: Стороны рассказали о переговорах в Бишкеке

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Аннотация: После распада СССР Запад получил благоприятные условия для продвижения своих геополитических интересов. Соответственно, Европейский Союз начал налажить отношения со странами Центральной Азии. В основе проводимой политики ЕС в республиках Центральной Азии лежали подписанные с руководством стран региона Соглашения о сотрудничестве и партнерстве. Более четко роль стран ЦА региона во внешней политике ЕС была определена после принятия в 2007 году Стратегии Европейского союза для Центральной Азии. В 2019 году Европейский Союз принял новую Стратегию по Центральной Азии. Европейский Союз и Кыргызская Республика 19 ноября 2017 года начали переговоры по обновлению существующего двустороннего соглашения, которое призвано заменить Соглашение о партнерстве и сотрудничестве. 6 июля 2019 года состоялось парафирование нового соглашения о расширенном партнерстве и сотрудничестве между Кыргызстаном и Европейским сою-. Валеева «Развитие сотрудничества между Кыргызстаном и Европейским Союзом на современном этапе». Развитие сотрудничества между Кыргызстаном и Европейским Союзом на современном этапе. Valeeva Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russia

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Глава дипломатии Евросоюза Федерика
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