
Today due to global climate change the Northern Sea Route is being formed along the northern coast of Russia as a new international maritime passage in the Arctic. Due to the rapid increase in the interest of regional and non-Arctic states, the scientific community and business to this transportation route, there is a need to study the prospects for cooperation between Russia and other countries on the development of the Northern Sea Route. The paper provides a detailed analysis of the interests of external players in the NSR area, taking into account the latest changes and events, while the author uses swot-analysis and a comparative analytical approach to conduct the study. The results of the study have shown that cooperation with some Arctic countries on the development of the NSR could bring mutual benefits: Canada and Russia would exchange experience on the development of similar sea routes, and Norway and Iceland would receive advantages as hubs on new routes. Non-regional countries, such as China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore and India, are interested in the NSR. For them, the Northern Sea Route is potentially shorter and safer compared to traditional routes, and it also allows to participate in projects located near its water area in science, energy and transport sectors. In turn, the participation of foreign partners is important for Russia, since it is usually accompanied by the active use of the route, the creation of large projects throughout its entire length, the attraction of serious funds, modern technologies and knowledge to the Arctic zone of the country.


  • Today due to global climate change the Northern Sea Route is being formed along the northern coast of Russia as a new international maritime passage in the Arctic

  • Due to the rapid increase in the interest of regional and non-Arctic states, the scientific community and business to this transportation route, there is a need to study the prospects for cooperation between Russia and other countries on the development of the Northern Sea Route

  • The results of the study have shown that cooperation with some Arctic countries on the development of the NSR could bring mutual benefits: Canada and Russia would exchange experience on the development of similar sea routes, and Norway and Iceland would receive advantages as hubs on new routes

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Многостороннее сотрудничество

Среди восьми арктических стран только пять имеют выход к Северному Ледовитому океану, в связи с чем в контексте судоходства можно встретить понятие «арктическая пятерка» (Вылегжанин, Дудыкина 2018). На площадке Совета обсуждались параметры создания Международного кодекса для судов, эксплуатирующихся в полярных водах (Полярный кодекс), принятого под эгидой Международной морской организации в 2014 году (Erokhin 2017). Потенциально на площадке Арктического совета Россия могла бы совместно с партнерами по региону найти решение для наиболее острых проблем в развитии СМП, которые связаны в первую очередь с экологическими рисками. В 2009 году вышла «Оценка морского судоходства в Арктике» от PAME; в 2017 – отчет «Снег, вода, лед и вечная мерзлота в Арктике» (SWIPA) от AMAP; в 2019 – доклад «Использование тяжелого топлива в Арктике» (на основе которого Международная морская организация с 2024 года ввела запрет на его использование в этих водах); в 2020 – «Отчет о статусе судоходства в Арктике» от PAME: https://arctic-council. The Increase in Arctic Shipping 2013 – 2019, PAME Arctic Shipping Status Report, PAME, 2020, No 1: https://pame.is/projects/arctic-marineshipping/arctic-shipping-status-reports

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